One Phytoplankton One Resource Model
% basic_model.m
% one resource, one phytoplankton
clear all; close all;
% initialize figure plotting...
% timestep (days)
deltat = 0.1;
% number of days to timestep
max_days = 100.0 ;
nstepmax = max_days/deltat;
% nout = how often to plot data point (integer days)
nout = 0.01/deltat ;
% set phyto characteristics
% growth (day-1)
mu1 = 0.50;
% diluation rate (day-1)
dil1 = 0.2;
% half-saturation, K (micromol l-1)
k1 = 0.1;
% incoming resource concentration (micromol l-1)
nutin1 = 1.0 ;
% initialization
% resources (micromol l-1)
nut1 = nutin1;
% phytoplankton (micromol l-1)
phy1 = 0.002;
% initial time = 0.0
tdays = 0.0;
% begin timestepping.....................
for nstep = 1:nstepmax,
tdays = tdays + deltat;
% determine tendencies
% net nutrient supply rate (micromol l-1 day-1)
sn1 = dil1*(nutin1 - nut1) ;
% phytoplankton
grow1 = mu1*nut1/(nut1+k1)*phy1;
loss1 = dil1*phy1;
dphy1dt = grow1 - loss1;
% resources
% dnut1dt = - (grow1+grow2) + sn1;
dnut1dt = - grow1 + sn1;
% forward step
phy1 = phy1 + dphy1dt*deltat;
nut1 = nut1 + dnut1dt*deltat;
% if phytoplankton concentration gets very small, hold constant
if (phy1 < 1.0e-30) , phy1 = 1.0e-30; end;
% update variables for plotting
% only plot at interval defined by nstep
if mod(nstep, nout) == 0
% phytoplankton
phystore1(nstep) = phy1;
% resources
nutstore1(nstep) = nut1;
% time
tstore(nstep) = tdays;
% end timestepping ......................
% plot results
set(gca,'FontSize',14) ;
axis([0 tdays -0.5 1.5]);
xlabel('time (days) ','FontSize',16);
ylabel('concentration (umol l^-^1) ','FontSize',16);
hold on;
hleg1 = legend('phyto','nutrient');